19 янв 2017 Так что, как это точно указано в документации Smarty, я использую {literal} , { ldelim} и {rdelim} . Мой скрипт должен быть динамическим 


{ldelim} and {rdelim} are used for escaping template delimiters, by default { and }. You can also use {literal} {/literal} to escape blocks of text eg Javascript or CSS. See also the complementary {$smarty.ldelim}. Example 7.57. {ldelim}, {rdelim}

The delim element defines a character marking the beginning or end of a section within a syntax diagram. Typical delimiter characters are the parenthesis, comma, tab, vertical bar or other special characters. Gilles Polian para hospedar varios proyectos de documentación de los idiomas de México y Centroamérica. Su misión es servir de soporte para la presentación y difusión de estos proyectos, que a su vez buscan promover el conocimiento y uso de estos idiomas. strcat_delim() 02/13/2020; 2 minutes to read; o; s; L; s; y; In this article. Concatenates between 2 and 64 arguments, with delimiter, provided as first argument.


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Plugins seems to expect a function with parameter like {ldelim(0)}. JuKu. 27 Apr 2020 %Y %H:%M:%S"}'), beforeShowDay: disableDates{$num} {rdelim}); function disableDates{$num}(date) {ldelim} {* Blackout dates can be set  {ldelim} and {rdelim} are alternative ways to generate { and } . This is often useful if you have a simple JavaScript code that needs a lot of values from Smarty  \ldelim\{{2}{3 mm}[2~~] & - \\ 56 & ~~64.42431~~ (43) & 15522.09 & 0.075 (6) & 9.6 0.087 (6) & 11.2 & \rdelim\}{3}{3 mm}[~~~F] & \ldelim\{{3}{3 mm}[1~~] & -1 ? 31 Jul 2017 {assign var='date_replace' value=`$smarty.ldelim`date`$smarty.rdelim`} {assign var='date' value=$seller_info.Date|date_format:$smarty.const.

46, jQuery().ready(function(){ldelim}.

\ldelim has an option that tells how many lines it should span, and right now it is set to use 3 lines. Change it to 13 and add [t] option to the minipage and it should work. ( \begin{minipage}[t]{0.8\textwidth} ).
